Therapy for Activists & Change Agents

I offer therapy for social justice activists and changemakers throughout Missouri.

The murder of Michael Brown in 2014 ushered in a new era of activism in St. Louis, which continued in the aftermath of the 2016 election and the Stockley verdict in 2017. Some dedicated leaders and activists have been on the streets for a long time. Many others who have never been to a protest before have been feeling the need to take action.

Whether you are a seasoned activist, a civil rights leader, or someone getting involved for the first time, you may find yourself wanting to work through:​

  • Trauma from police brutality, arrests, and other aggressions
  • Sustainability: How do you find where you can best make a difference over a period of time?
  • Self-care: What does it even mean, and what does it look like for you?
  • The difficult task of looking at privilege, doing anti-racism work, etc.
Black man in a BLM rally. Therapy for activists and change agents in St. Lous

I provide both ongoing therapy and consultation.

Two muslim women at a protest. Therapy for activists and change agents in St. Lous

For those working through traumatic experiences, EMDR can be exceptionally helpful. It requires a commitment to regular visits for a period of time, since working through traumatic experience in detail can bring up a lot of emotion, and knowing you have regular therapy sessions scheduled during this period of focused work helps to limit negative effects that might otherwise spill over into other areas of your life.

If you’re not sure you need therapy, but you would like to talk through some things, consultation may be a good option.

Often 1-3 sessions is sufficient for working through questions like: How much can I do without burning out? Where do I want to focus my efforts? Should I take a leadership role or run for office? How do I balance this work with my role as a parent, partner, etc?

My job here is not to provide answers but to ask good questions and to be a sounding board as we work together towards clarity.


Research on the effectiveness of psychotherapy shows that the single most important factor in the success of therapy is being able to form a good working relationship with your therapist. I am a white, cisgender, able-bodied, heterosexual woman. There are any number of reasons why you may not feel comfortable working with me, or you may prefer a therapist who identifies differently. This is completely understandable and deserves attention.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you are looking for a different sort of therapist to work with and are not sure where to start. I would be happy to help you find someone who is a better fit. I do not charge a fee for providing referrals.

Black couple seeking therapy in St. Louis